Friday, September 21, 2007


Is it sad that I truly dig Beer-Wine-Cake Fridays at my office?

It's the little things.

Monday, September 17, 2007

"I've seen fire and I've seen rain..."

Excuse me...I think I have some weird power here...not that I really think I am more special than the next guy...but as of yesterday O.J. Simpson IS in jail!!!

I awoke at some ungodly hour this morning because fire trucks were racing down our street, one after another and so loud. And yesterday I was taking a lazy Sunday afternoon nap and I awoke to squealing tires and the sound of crunching metal. After both incidents, I closed my eyes again, rolled over and thought the same thing we all do here: "ah, life in New York".

However, both times, when I closed my eyes again I dreamt that the President had been assassinated. Homeland Security might come get me for saying this, but with my new-found, super-hero blog powers I thought I would plead my innocence before it happens.

I watched part of a little political show last night called Now...from what Greg (my news authority) tells me, it is a Liberal slanted show...and they were doing a little documentary about the war in Iraq. It was sad and confusing. I'm not going off on a political rant here...but I just don't understand the sense of using violence to gain peace. Puhlease, I realize nothing necessarily makes sense about this war...2+2=5 in ALL aspects...and we swallow it...but war to spread a democratic agenda?....isn't that like punching someone in the face to get them to be nice? I don't get it.

Oh and by-the-by, last night on the Emmy's, the Fox network (whom Greg continually expresses his disgust regarding their Republican slant) apparently censored Sally Field when she subtly spoke out against the war. She was saying something about mothers running the country which directly reflects her character on the show she WON AN EMMY FOR...and they censored her. I was in the tub when I was listening to her speech. The sound went out. I thought Greg changed the channel. "Nope," he said, "flippin' Fox Network!" Creepy.

[There are about 10 big tangents sitting in my brain. Probably why I napped so much this weekend.]

I talked to a new friend who had driven to D.C. on Saturday to march in a rally. He said when the world looks back on this era and the mess it is causing...he wanted to be able to tell his grandchildren that he tried to do something, anything. I guess even a yelling parade.

About eight years ago in L.A. when I was working at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, part of my duties were to visit the homes of the families of the interred. I remember driving to Northridge, in the Valley, and realizing I was about 45 minutes early (that in itself should have been the clue...I was clearly possessed). I pulled into a drive-thru and got some lunch. I drove by the home where I was to visit and parked a few blocks away so they wouldn't see me pounding a Quarter-Pounder before I talked to them about what they wanted to do with their dead grandfather.

I take a bite out of my burger and look to the right at the house directly next to me. And it BURSTS INTO FLAMES. No kidding. I happened to look at the house at the exact moment before and at the exact moment it was instantly engulfed. My mouth dropped, I held my burger and froze.

When I came to about two seconds later, I was on the phone dialing 911...which really is a least at that time...I was on hold for over 20 minutes while this house was burning down right in front of my eyes...I jump out of the car, cell phone in hand...I run to the house to ring the door bell over and over just in case someone in the house wasn't aware they were surrounded by flames......I run to each neighbors' house yelling for them to evacuate...I run to the neighbor across the street so they can call 911 in vain as well.

Looking back, I don't know where I got the gumption to do this but I turned around and saw that the four-lane, decently busy street had come to a complete stop with onlookers...there was traffic in all lanes in both directions as far as I could see...I ran to the intersection waving at cars and yelling "come on...get going...move out...let's go!!" All I could think was 'how are the fire trucks going to get through?!!'. I literally start directing traffic, I get through to 911 (they had already gotten the call) and eventually the fire trucks come.

The fire chief replaced my traffic directing with a trained professional, neighbors stopped coming to me for instructions and I found myself answering the new man-in-charge...a man in a uniform... "I don't know any of these people. I just pulled over to eat a hamburger." We look at each other oddly. How did I get to this point? What now? It seemed useless for me to stay. Everyone was ok...I was just eating some fast said goodbye and I went to my car I had previously moved around the corner and left. After that I just went to my appointment. I wasn't even late. So strange.

My boyfriend at the time told me it was proof I was the devil.

Maybe I should go to a rally with Drew Barrymore.