Will somebody very loud and very on TV puhlease look at our country and realize that we are exactly where we've put ourselves? Yes, Bill Maher, I wish, I really do wish that President Obama had a little more punches in his fights. I wish he had a chainsaw. I am angry and frustrated at the choices Bush made and the decisions he pushed us toward but here's the thing...
This is THE country based on FREEDOM. Not based on fairness. Not based on my turn, your turn. It is actually BASED on the notion of every man and woman for himself or herself. Capitalism. The absolute business of FREEDOM...and all the pretty and ugly it entails. Without competition what is there to be 'better' than or 'cheat' against?
If I were to define myself and I were to choose single-handedly the government under which I lived, I just might choose to be a socialist. But the thing is, there were humans long before there were socialists. The ideals of socialism in the hands of humans can get real ugly real fast.
And so can freedom.
I HATE that Obama has to apologize for things you know he believes. Things
I believe. I hate that the Democrats can't make a firm decision to put out a fire. I hate a lot of things. But I also love a lot of things. And they are probably very very different things than the things the man I'm about to marry loves and hates. Therefore, how can I expect a stranger, a person I've never met, plowing a corn field in the middle of the country, to love and hate the same things I do?
It is not President Obama's job to turn tables if we want tables turned.
It is our job.
It is not President Obama's job to go against Darth Vadar and follow Yoda if we want peace.
It is our job.
It is not President Obama's job to make everyone equal in his or her heads, beds or wallets if we want the same rights for everyone.
It is our job.
That IS THE FREEDOM OF DEMOCRACY. Right? That is what I remember studying. That is how I understand it.
Of course, we have moral ideas
most of us lean towards. There aren't that many of us under rocks. Even Manson listened to The Beatles.
We aren't the nucleus of governing nations on this earth. We are an off-shoot. And each of us, at the vertex of our angles, now sees choices stretching out across the globe. Instantly.
We are creatures of learning. We compare, contrast and as most of our guts tell us, we "do what YOU feel is right". Even if our heads tell us something else, we always [and I mean always] end up dipping a toe into the thing we are drawn towards. We are human and humans are chiaroscuro. We can't comprehend life without death because that IS, in this day and age, where we are all headed no matter what.
In this day and age...
At least...
could change. Hmm.
I dislike so very many things about my country but I cannot expect ONE man to do what I, just me, wants him to do. President Obama is not supposed to do ANYTHING unless we tell him to. That is democracy, no?
Who is the loudest...richest...moves the most energy...pushes...changes... manipulates...molds? Those are the people who get 'noticed'. I guarantee you Kanye West will not suffer over how many cute, talented, little white girls he disrespects.
Reality Television is NOT reality. It is the giant, yellow highlighter of chaos...manipulated chaos.
The meek inherit the earth. After the boisterous have had their way with it.
Bill Maher, I agree with you in many, many ways. I would also like for us to get off the couch and out from a blog or a tweet or a coffee shop and show the "LIAR" shouting assholes what the sole of our shoe looks like while flying at their heads. But someone flew planes into our tallest buildings and we agreed with the idiot who told us to shop and look the other way while he sent the poor, the feisty and the young to die against a false opponent. What will it take to make us stop complaining and start changing things? I think we all secretly know what it will take. The gun will actually have to be at our temple before we decide to duck.
Look who's blogging now?
If there is no such thing as bad press can't we make good press???? It is actually up to us. We must get closer together to create a louder voice if we expect to be heard. Where are the crazy Liberals when you need them? Oh yeah, they're human too, so when they do something outside of OUR box we drop them like boiled hammers. All of our thinkers are just more creative...they make their money in 'entertainment' so they won't get shot.