I signed up for Blog Action Day. http://blogactionday.org/ You sign up, post a blog about the environment and I believe the goal is to inspire people into thinking about change.
Today is the day.
I thought this was a great idea, but right now as I'm writing this, sitting behind my desk, drinking my coffee out of a paper cup... I feel like this Blog thing, while creative and thoughtful...what is the 'action'?
What can one little 'ol voice do unless it activates masses to do something?
So, I'm going to ask anyone who reads this to do something for the environment. We don't have to do it together. We don't have to hold anyone except ourselves accountable. No one but you will know you chose a little responsibility.
Responsibility: Just because we pay for things, like land, does that mean we can do whatever we want with it? Didn't we invent money? What does money mean to the trees, bees and squirrels? Does a rose bush planted on Fifth avenue know it is more valuable than one planted in Queens? We decide what is 'valuable' or not. We also decide what we are responsible for or not. And many many many of us decide it is not convenient to be responsible with our environment...that it is someone else's job. What if we decide it is our job? Even in a small way?
Below is a list of small, simple things you can do to help the environment. Pick one thing or do your own. Commit to it like when you give up french fries for Lent or when you decide to start flossing again...
1. Don't use a paper coffee cup. Even when purchasing Starbucks or Dunkin' or neighborhood deli. We ALL have mugs and if you don't, buy one.
2. Don't use plastic grocery bags.
3. Turn off your computer at night.
4. Take a 5 minute shower or a long bath.
5. Turn off lights when you aren't in a room.
6. Use rechargeable batteries.
7. Recycle greeting cards or send ecards. For reals. Get creative.
Today is the day.
I thought this was a great idea, but right now as I'm writing this, sitting behind my desk, drinking my coffee out of a paper cup... I feel like this Blog thing, while creative and thoughtful...what is the 'action'?
What can one little 'ol voice do unless it activates masses to do something?
So, I'm going to ask anyone who reads this to do something for the environment. We don't have to do it together. We don't have to hold anyone except ourselves accountable. No one but you will know you chose a little responsibility.
Responsibility: Just because we pay for things, like land, does that mean we can do whatever we want with it? Didn't we invent money? What does money mean to the trees, bees and squirrels? Does a rose bush planted on Fifth avenue know it is more valuable than one planted in Queens? We decide what is 'valuable' or not. We also decide what we are responsible for or not. And many many many of us decide it is not convenient to be responsible with our environment...that it is someone else's job. What if we decide it is our job? Even in a small way?
Below is a list of small, simple things you can do to help the environment. Pick one thing or do your own. Commit to it like when you give up french fries for Lent or when you decide to start flossing again...
1. Don't use a paper coffee cup. Even when purchasing Starbucks or Dunkin' or neighborhood deli. We ALL have mugs and if you don't, buy one.
2. Don't use plastic grocery bags.
3. Turn off your computer at night.
4. Take a 5 minute shower or a long bath.
5. Turn off lights when you aren't in a room.
6. Use rechargeable batteries.
7. Recycle greeting cards or send ecards. For reals. Get creative.
I dare ya.