Friday, March 27, 2009

Imitating Liart

The sun is creeping out. The artists, the tourists, the fashionistas and celebrities are all strolling around SoHo.

I spot a little [Swiss?] family on a street corner taking pictures. The Mom out front instructing the rowdy little boys to stand still and close to the stroller. She counts to three and at the last second, the smallest little guy, sans stroller...has to be at most 4 years old...throws up a full out GANGSTA sign for the picture.

For the second picture he makes a 'V' with his first two fingers, holds it up to his mouth and sticks his tongue out. Yep. THAT sign.

Clearly he, nor his mother have any idea where those symbols come from.

Either that, or they are the first full-out Swiss Peace Keepin' High Rollin' Gangsta Bashin' Pussy Lickin' Family ever. Look out Bradys.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

White-knucklng the Other Shoe

I try to stay on an even keel emotionally. I swear I do. But I can't help but wonder when things are going well...when will the Universal pie hit me in the face? Anxious much?

I suppose labeling things 'going well' in the first place doesn't help. Things are just going...right?


Clear skies.

Life is a dream and vice verse...right?

Last night I dreamed I was back stage, completely naked except for some weird, shredded vest-thing...a fellow actor hands me a script and from behind me I hear a person run by and yell-whisper "YOU'RE ON!!!"

Reality TV

"Working is a vacation for artists. The 'work' of being an artist is looking for work." - Greg Skura