Last Sunday morning, I awoke to breakfast in bed. I sat up to eat and Greg sat down at the computer to ask me questions for a 'test' that would match my priority issues with a specific presidential candidate. I had a hard time with many of the things people consider issues. Gay Marriage. Is this really an issue? Aren't people dying in Iraq right now? How about Ketchup vs. Mustard? I'm going to propose an amendment regarding Condiment Orientation.
That evening Greg was in the mood to view a viddy from the viddy store. (I'm in Clockwork Orange all of a sudden...) He picked Sicko and I picked The Lives of Others. Without knowing it we inadvertently selected flicks that argued the values for Socialist ideals and the values against. Fascinating...truly...after Sicko I was so frustrated...and often played the devil's advocate in my head. Michael Moore can be so manipulative...so anti-American...so obvious ...so one-sided...but he does make you think and brings up many good points. And he has every right to say what he wants. I produced my own private Idaho by carefully painting my nails for the last half of the film. Overload.
We took a break, Greg walked Stewart and we popped in the second viddy. The Lives of Others. Please see this movie. The dynamics between these people...even the smallest roles...reminds you that politics, religion...whatever guides us as a mass...comes from somewhere emotional...and that is the beauty of being human. We are pure chiaroscuro in one body. Left brain, right brain. Beauty.
Greg and I met last year while working on a play by Vaclav Havel. A man who was imprisoned for writing a play. Art...the essence of being human.... is power and we should never forget that. We can create change with that. Feelings make people move.
Last night Greg and I went to see Duran Duran on Broadway. 7th row, Baby. I was 13 again (only I could afford much better seats) and when it was over we stood outside the stage door for an hour. As each band member walked out to greet the group, I was absolutely compelled to SCREAM his name.
John was first. I reached over these little old ladies (the ONLY things standing in my way) and grabbed his arm. "Please. John. Take a picture. I just want a picture." He literally looked frightened. Then sort of smiled for Greg who yelled from behind me in the crowd, "Here John!" I love Greg. As John passed I yelled out, "THE NEW ALBUM IS FANTASTIC!" I think I actually heard a record scratch across its grooves and in slow motion saw John turn to me "Of... COURSE... it... is... crazy... woman... and... your... mascara's... running..." The world then froze, I slapped my forehead and mouthed "The new album is fantastic???" like a Cosby kid. My studio audience laughed. The world started spinning again and...
...then Nick came out with his head down focusing on each item set before him to sign. I think about five minutes went by. He was very thorough. Then Simon...
...it wasn't until Simon that I had the mind to shove my program in his face like all the other trick-or-treaters around me. Hello McFly.
Each band member had come out prepaired with an open Sharpie and made his way through the crowd. Every fan had a something in his/her hand attached to his/her stretched out arm around me but I literally could not think straight until Simon.
I turn to Greg. "Program. Please." I shove it at Simon. He looks at me and does nothing. I say, "Please?! Please?!" He signs. Then teases the old ladies below me. I'd forgotten they were there. I hope their bruises heal...
...then Roger. Poor Roger. I walked away after Simon feeling sorry for the women behind me who didn't get to grope John like I did. I let them have Roger...
...then Andy. Wait....no more Andy. Last time I saw him play with the band he looked like they had dug him up, stuck a guitar in his hand and a smoke under his wig. I thought maybe Keith Richards was moonlighting as a hobby. Only four Duran's left these days.
I am a grown woman. Sometimes I even act like and look like one. And during that concert I couldn't NOT scream out every lyric I knew. I couldn't NOT scream out when I saw the stage door crack open. I was shaking for 20 minutes after Greg and I walked away.
I do not love Duran Duran anymore for their music. I love how they make me feel. I like the new album a lot but I don't think it is revolutionary. They never have been. Well, when it comes to white shoes and eyeliner, yes, but I, personally, do not think one of them will get shot conspiratorially. However...
...last night, I FELT something intangible. And I was inspired, moved...literally, uncontrollably. I can still feel. And I can only hope that one day, in a small way, I make someone feel enough to make some sort of movement...even if it is away from me and my desperate, groping hand gripping his arm while barely coherently screaming at him to pose for a picture.
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