Wednesday, November 5, 2008

12:27a 11/05/2008

Standing in Times Square, two grown, black men were standing right next to us and talking to each other between hugs. One mentioned his Grandfather who served in World War II and one mentioned his Great Aunt who'd been a slave.

One of them looked right at me, smiled and said, "People can change. People is decent."

We can still hear people screaming in the streets. Our windows are open and we welcome the sounds of honking horns and voices singing God Bless America.

This is really happening.


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, wait a minute. I thought we weren't supposed to care that he's black. Hmmmm...

Unknown said...

Great night.
As for the above comment, I guess signing it "Anonymous" says about all that needs to be said about the character of the writer.

Anonymous said...

I think "anonymous" is missing the point...the fact that he's black is, without a doubt, something very special...but it's not why he was the better choice for president.