We went to visit good friends 'upstate' this past weekend...wait...let me start over...
The first time we visited our friends in Tivoli, this little gem of a town to where our friends were considering relocating, we stayed in the place they were considering buying... a rickety charm of a house...a fixer-upper but too much fixer-uppering for city mice. The second time we visited them they had already moved into a home they were renting on an estate on the side of a luscious hill overlooking the river. Greg and I seriously considered getting married there. They've since had to move because the house was sold and the new Beetlejuice owners booted them as tenants. This last time, we visited them in their newly rented loft that sits over the local Artists' Co-op, portrait studio and is next door to the coolest bar on main street.
The first visit we got a tour of the town they were falling in love with.
The second time we got to relax in their new home and hear about the town they were getting to know.
The third time we went to places where they were known.
Each time we visit we have to bring Stewart and each time we take turns walking him through the country air and simple life. Even Stewart relaxes and runs more. I swear you see him smiling.
On our second visit we were there a little longer than the trip prior and we spent a lot of time outdoors. We found a spot by the side of the house where a nest had either been destroyed by the day's downpour or gravity pulled it off the roof. And twice, on two different days, we found tiny, naked, featherless, eyeless birds dead on the sidewalk. It was uncomfortable to come across but for whatever reason, I was intrigued... moved to stare at and finally pick up and bury the little things. I remember feeling a sense of being in the world, nature, the circle of life, the whole 'I'm just a speck on the speck of this planet in the universe' and it felt good. I'm a part of this...a small small part...no more pressure...the worries can go...the rent will get paid...I can stop and think, no, create for no other reason than because it sounds fun.
This past visit, I was walking Stewart and we came across a patch of grass and trees between homes. A place evident where everyone walks their dogs. Stewart added to the collection and walking back we came across a beautiful, perfectly preserved full grown blackbird dead in the mulch. The iridescent feathers popped and stood out against the black ones. It's eyes were peacefully closed.
I was again reminded of this circle and peace. My subconscious keeps telling my belly this all means something. Country air and simple life. I'm drawn to it.
I hear the most popular 'fantasy' job surveyed in the United States is: COWBOY. Didn't we start out that way? I love the dirt that is still in my boots.
I hope Stewart didn't catch anything. I should Purell his paws tonight.
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