Greg and I are signing a lease on our new apartment today. Our new apartment that took everything but a blood sample to secure. Thank goodness for our families. Thank goodness they like us. I am so excited I could spit.
I have a strange rash developing on my side. I've never been one to develop mysterious rashes. I think they are a funny punchline. Perhaps I'm being punished for that.
Logically, moving is a stressful endeavor but it never seems that way to me. I'm not always logical. I once counted how many times I have moved in my life and it equaled more than my age. Sure, there are good things about stability in your location, but I've never had that for more than three or four years and that was when I was a kid. I don't really know how to operate any other way. I like change. It's distracting.
Twice, when I was small and my parents were still married, my Dad planted me a willow tree in the backyard of our new house. When I go back to visit Dallas, I drive by those trees and know they were planted there for me. Those roots are a part of me, even if I don't call them home.
I appreciate the illusion of controlling my chaos. I remember my mother coming into my bedroom the morning after we moved and I had stayed up all night and completely unpacked everything. She was a little frightened of my tenacity but impressed. All of my Culture Club posters on one side, Michael Jackson on another and Duran Duran covered the rest and the ceiling. I admit that was my favorite part everytime we moved. Nesting has always been a part of my personality. Maybe not cooking, but finding twigs and putting them together just so. I dig that.
I've also always had a fascination with 'collections'. I was seven when my mother found a shoebox full of 'tiny scraps of paper' and threw them out. It was my sticker collection. Every beautiful sticker I painstakingly earned I had torn up into little pieces. My collection went from the hundreds to the thousands! Quanity, not quality boys and girls!
I wouldn't be surprised if over the years, in direct relation to all of the times I've moved, I've learned that quality is more important. Stuff is just stuff. You can always get more stuff.
If you can let go of good stuff, you can let go of bad feelings. Let us purge. Let us all find a simple, beautiful life.
Mine will be about collecting cardboard for the next month. Good thing I don't have a car and just had knee surgery. I'm also a little itchy.
BUT, I'm really excited!
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